Gustavo Sousa
May 20, 2024

Handling API manufacturers: Insights from the New CEFIC-APIC Guide and Owlpharma recent experience

The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee (APIC) has released a new guide to provide guidance and suggests a harmonized approach within the API industry on how to manage suppliers of materials and services.

This new guideline replaces the 2009 APIC guide “Supplier Qualification & Management Guideline” and looks at supplier management primarily from a quality perspective, but also covering other real-life aspects, such as dealing with suppliers that are reluctant to sign quality agreements or to accept physical audits.

Throughout the document is highlighted that a risk management approach is an integral part of today’s supplier management processes and that the Quality Unit has a crucial role in overseeing all quality and compliance related aspects and has the exclusive authority to approve or reject suppliers.

The guideline focuses mainly on the following topics:

  • The four stages of Supplier Management Life Cycle (Selection, Qualification, Operation and Termination);
  • Risk management applied to Supplier Management;
  • Quality Agreements;
  • Auditing, emphasizing how this is one of the most powerful tools to assess whether the supplier effectively meets the requirements, being particularly important during the initial qualification.

We feel that this document can provide valuable inputs to Medicinal Product Manufacturers and on how to handle their suppliers.

As for Owlpharma, the year of 2023 marked a definitive return to on-site audits and even a return to Chinese manufacturing plants. From the 47 audits performed at API manufacturers since the beginning of 2023 until last month (April 2024), the non-conformities are mainly related to the following chapters of Eudralex Vol. 4 – Part II (and when applicable, the correspondent annexes):

The overall compliance level of the API manufacturers does not evidence significant changes from the pre-pandemic levels.

Despite the majority of API manufacturers are currently being audited on-site once again, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the development of a new robust and effective tool for supplier qualification, the off-site audits and we believe that this tool will remain important in the upcoming years to give valuable, cost and time-effective information which will support our risk assessments and as a safeguard against any climate or geopolitical crisis, scenarios which probably will have an impact in our near future and in the way we organize supplier qualification.

Remote audits can also be of extreme importance when qualifying less critical suppliers (e.g. excipient and packaging material manufacturers).

You can know more about our available audit reports and planned audits so far through our database Audit Search.

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