Rita Agrela
August 21, 2024

Updates in the labelling of fragrance allergens in cosmetics

The list of fragrance allergens that must be mentioned on the labelling was updated with the publication of Regulation (EU) no. 2023/1545 in 26 July 2023. As a result, Annex III of the Cosmetics Regulation (Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009) now includes 56 new substances that must be included in the list of ingredients when their concentration exceeds:

  • 0,001 % in leave-on products
  • 0,01 % in rinse-off products

These 56 substances add to the existing 24 fragrance allergens already included in the Annex III.

New cosmetic products not complying with the new restrictions may be placed on the market only until 31 July 2026. After 31 July 2028, all marketed cosmetic products must be in compliance.

For more information on the safety of cosmetic ingredients, please contact us at owlpharma@owlpharma.pt, and our team will be ready to support you.

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